Looking for a job can feel like a full-time job in itself. In fact, I’ve heard more than one professional say that looking for a job is more work than actually having a job! The pressure to find the right role can be overwhelming, especially if you were caught in a layoff and need to get something new as soon as possible. Before you dive into any job search, you must first set the tone for success. That includes adjusting your mindset, having a firm handle on your goals and aspirations, setting a realistic timeline, and developing a solid strategy for moving forward. Alongside all those components, you also need to take care of yourself, so balancing a job search with a focus on your mental health is crucial.

Your Foundation for Success: The Right Mindset

Your thoughts direct your actions, so it’s vital to have the right thoughts in your head. You don’t want anything or anyone living there rent free! Yes, a job search can be trying; there’s no doubt about that. But if you’re launching a search with feelings of dread or a lack of self-confidence, you’re embarking on an uphill battle. However, if you stay positive and are open to the possibilities, there are no limits to the success you can create!

Be One with the Process

I don’t want to get too oovy-groovy on you, but accepting the process of finding a job is kind of important. And it is a process. Gone are the days of applying to jobs and landing interviews within the week. Sure, it can still happen that way, but you’ll need to do a lot more this time. The world has changed and accepting that your timeline may be a bit longer than in past searches will help you set realistic goals and understand the process involved in finding your next great opportunity.

Focus on What’s Positive

It’s a lot easier said than done to “stay positive!” You can’t be Pollyanna and surround yourself with pixie dust when you’re getting rejections or, even worse, hearing nothing. Those kinds of responses are jarring to your ego! Instead of staying positive, cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Look at what’s good about each day. Perhaps some of these success statements will resonate with you:

  • I applied to two jobs.
  • I heard back from that job that they’re not interested—so now I don’t have to worry about that anymore.
  • I made a great new connection on LinkedIn.
  • I learned something cool in a webinar.
  • I took action in my job search today.

Remember that rejection is not a reflection of your self-worth; it’s part of that process thing we were talking about. Aim to find the positive learning experience you can gain from every bump and use them to refine your approach.

Realize How Strong You Are

If there’s one big thing that comes out of a job search, it’s that you are resilient. You will 100% face challenges and obstacles, but it’s how you bounce back that means more to your success. Take time to reflect on every situation, learn something, and move on. This quote from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh should become your motto:

Stay Clear about Your Goals

Knowing what your aim is helps you stay focused. Clarity on the type of job you want, where you want to work, and what you want to earn will help you home in on your search and increase your chances of finding positions that align with your goals and values.

Develop a Sure-Fire, Repeatable Strategy

To set the tone for success in your job search, you also need a plan to achieve success. That requires a strategy or roadmap. This will help you stay organized and on track, even when those inevitable bumps in the road come your way. Some things to do as part of your plan:

  • Schedule time daily for your job search. Balance this with time spent doing other things you love, such as hobbies or enjoying time with friends and family.
  • Optimize your resume and LinkedIn profile. These foundational pieces of your job search should highlight how you can add value to an employer moving forward. Get help in this area if needed.
  • Leverage your network. Whether your network is on LinkedIn or in town, reach out to them to let them know you’re looking. The more you connect and share, the more likely you are to hear about job openings.
  • Elevate quality over quantity. While the job search is a bit of a numbers game, applying to more positions doesn’t necessary equal success. Be mindful and strategic about the jobs to which you’ll apply. Then update your resume and cover letter each time.
  • Follow up after applying. Always attempt to make a human connection when you apply to positions. LinkedIn is a great help in this arena.

Celebrate Success

Even if you don’t secure any interviews this week, there are bound to be some success stories to celebrate. That may start with breaking down your larger goal of finding a job into smaller goals, such as looking for jobs for a set amount of time, connecting with three new people on LinkedIn, or attending two networking events this week. Realistic, achievable goals help to maintain your motivation and avoid burnout. And every step is worth acknowledging.

Set the Tone for Success Personally as Well as Professionally

A job search should not require you to be at your computer eight hours a day seven days a week. We all need breaks and balance in our lives. Yes, a job search is work, and you must dedicate time to it to be successful, but you also need to take care of yourself. Here are some ways to keep your sanity during a job search:

  • Take breaks. Give yourself time to recharge with regular breaks. Don’t look for a job on the weekends. Compartmentalize your time and your sanity.
  • Practice self-care. Make time for yourself throughout your job search. While money may not be available, especially if you’ve been laid off and funds are limited, you can still do things that will help you recenter and find inner happiness.
  • Get support. It’s important to surround yourself with supportive people during your search. Your family and friends are a start. One group I love is Career Connectors. You can attend their monthly virtual events or join the conversation in their LinkedIn group to find likeminded job seekers.

When You Set the Tone for Success, You Generate Results

A job search is a journey with many twists and turns. When you set the right tone from the start, you’ll increase your chances of success. Maintaining positivity, focusing on the good, and creating a balance of searching vs self-care will go a long way to keeping you on the right path.

If you need help with your search, I’m here. From resume writing to LinkedIn optimization and building a complete job-search strategy with tons of coaching and support, you’ll find everything you need at Your Career Advocate. Learn more here.